
Hi everyone!

The last twelve months has been a bit of a roller-coaster for me. Shortly after publishing my first book, I suffered a burnout/breakdown. I was unable to write for months afterward, and it wasn't until January that I finally sat down to try and force myself to write a short story.

After several failed attempts, I was hit by inspiration while out on a picnic with my family. All I had to had was an old ballpoint pen in the bottom of my bag, and a paper napkin! I still have it, and one day, I'll frame the darn thing, lol, but it was the beginning of "Double Frenzy" a short erotica piece. I know, it's a strange thing to come up with while on a picnic with my husband and children, but I had been chatting with a friend on messenger in the background.

February and March saw two more Frenzy novellas published, and by then, I was well enough to start looking at writing other things. However, I still couldn't face the task of writing the sequel to "Siren".

I've now got a whole collection of story ideas, scenes and concepts for a small library's worth of stories, and I hope to develop the vast majority of them (hey, I'm realistic, I don't think I'll ever whittle down my stories folder to zero) and share them with the world.

"Kurt's Honour" is the start of a new series that I am working on. It will consist of eight books, and if I have enough 'juice' leftover, there may even be a prequel and a 'christmas special'. The idea for these came purely from looking at stock photos on Depositphotos.com. I was gathering ideas for a friend who is a cover designer, and I can remember saying to her, "look at all these guys in grey hoodies. You could do a series of them. Call them, The Brotherhood and they could...". I went on to outline a series and realised that this was a great idea. So, instead of inspiring her to put together a set of premade covers, I ended up ordering a set of custom covers!

I'm excited by this book, with the help of my editor at Stoirm Publications, I've polished this little nugget into what I believe is the best piece of writing that I've ever done! I've decided to ignore the nay-sayers and the trolls who seem to enjoy posting mean reviews. I have enough support around me now to know that some people do enjoy my writing, and this book and all the others that I will write is for them. If I can give even one person an enjoyable experience, then I have fulfilled my calling to share what I write.

I'm going to try and get on top of my social media, it's hard to fit it all in around my family and commitments, but I do believe that this is what I'm meant to do with my life.

If you've made it this far, then you're a saint, and I just want to thank you for your support. It means everything to me! <3

Kurt's Honour is now available for pre-order here: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B081956DWC
Delivery date: December 7th.
At that time, it will also be FREE on KU.


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